Welcome to First Baptist Church of Garden City




Join Us In-Person on Sunday at 11:00am

or Church Online - Sunday at 11:00am

Current Teaching Series

"It Is Finished" - Sundays at 11:00am, March 9 - Palm Sunday, March 13

On the cross, Jesus spoke six profound statements that help you understand who He is, why He died on the cross, and the depths of God’s love for you.

You’re invited to First Baptist Church of Garden City this Sunday to discover what these powerful words mean for your life today!

Children's Ministry

GC Kids exists to help you raise your child to become a fully-developing follower of Jesus by providing GC Kids opportunities at all in-person Sunday services so they can have fun, learn, and worship in an age-appropriate environment while you worship and grow in your faith.

RSVP for Membership Class

Church membership is about commitment to being a part of a local church and joining a spiritual family. Sign up for Membership Class to learn more about FBC Garden City, what it means to be a member, why membership is important,  and decide if it's the right next step for you!

Youth Ministry

FBC Garden City's Youth Ministry provides an environment for middle and high school students to be introduced to Jesus and grow as disciples through various groups and activities, all while having fun, making memories, and developing lifelong relationships.

Welcome to FBC

Our mission at First Baptist Church of Garden City is to give the people of Garden City and the surrounding communities the best opportunity to become fully developing followers of Jesus.

God has called us to do that by simply…
Loving God, Loving People, and Lighting the Way.

Each Sunday at FBC, you’ll experience a welcoming atmosphere, inspiring music, and a practical message from the Bible that you can apply to life. You’re invited to join us this Sunday – either In-Person or Online at FBCGC.live!

Get Baptized

If you have decided to follow Jesus with your life, you are invited to take the next step in your faith to be baptized at FBC Garden City. Baptism is your opportunity to publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ. Click the image above to read more and sign up for more information.

Get the Bible App

If you haven't already, take a moment to download the Bible App to your phone so you can be sure to maintain your Bible reading habit in 2025! Anywhere you have your phone, you'll have your Bible. It includes reading plans, encouraging devotionals, and more. And it's all free. 

Online Giving

God is generous and He calls us to be as well. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, including what we do with our finances. Use the link above to learn more about giving options and how you can give your Tithes and Offerings securely to FBC Garden City.

FBC Garden City Cares for Your Family!

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me." - Matthew 19:14

GC Kids - our children's ministry - is available during every Sunday worship service for children 5th grade and under. It's a clean, safe experience designed with your children in mind.

Each week, GC Kids features age-appropriate worship, activities, Bible lessons, and fun to help your children build a spiritual foundation.  In each age group, from newborns through elementary school students, we aim to share God's love and point kids toward Jesus!

First Baptist Church of Garden City

35 Nelson Avenue
Garden City, GA 31408

(Two blocks off of Highway 21, down Russell Ave, across from the new Groves High School)

Phone: 912-964-1448