
2) Give via Text Message
The newest and simplest way to give right now is by text. It is an easy and secure method to give.
Then follow the simple instructions to honor God through your giving in moments.
3) Give at any Sunday Service or at the Church Office
4) Give by Mailing in your Gift
If you’re unable to give in-person or electronically, you can always mail in your gift to the church office:
First Baptist Church of Garden City
5) Give by Including FBC Garden City in Your Estate Plan
Please contact the Church Office (912-964-1448) if you’d like to learn more about how you can leave a legacy of faith by including First Baptist Church of Garden City in your estate plan.
6) Give Stocks or In-Kind Gifts
If you’re interested in giving stocks, bonds, or any type of in-kind gift to FBC, please contact the Church Office at 912-964-1448.
God is Generous
Throughout the Bible, in human history, and in each of our lives, we see that generosity is part of the character of God. Life itself is a gift from God. Our new, eternal life through Jesus is a gift from God. Anything good in our lives is a gift from God.
God Calls Us to Give
And God calls us to be generous as well! Our response to all God has given demonstrates the condition of our hearts to Him and to the world. By giving back to God, we’re able to enable more and more people to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our goal in managing finances, as in every area of life, is to bring glory to God.
Your Giving Supports God’s Work
First Baptist Church of Garden City is a member-supported church. Thank you for your faithful generosity to support the ministry and mission to which God has called us!