
Sunday School
We have great Bible studies each Sunday morning. We have a Girls’ class and a Guys’ class which allows us to engage in authentic and important discussions while digging into the Word of God.

Wednesday Nights
Wednesday nights are a time for fellowship, Bible study and fun! Together, we’ll explore a wide range of topics and discussion, as well as plenty of games and activities.
Additional Youth Opportunities
Various Opportunities
We have a lot of activities throughout the years. We have a retreat every spring called Disciple Now. Every summer we have a youth Vacation Bible School which always is a great time and always draws a great crowd. We also have activities each month.
Youth Camp
Each June we attend Centrifuge Youth Camp at Ridgecrest North Carolina.
At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed. Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of our trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study.
For more information:
Mission Trip
Each summer we always attend World Changers. World Changers is a part of the North American Mission Board which sets up mission trip all over the United States. Teenagers from all across the county come together to help restore homes and touch lives throughout the community.
For more information: